The Small Screen

There's a nice article in the New York Times Arts section today called A Computer Is Also a Screen, Wil Wheaton Discovers about Wil, his blog, and his various other endeavors.
Thus was born, a site that celebrates his current roles: husband, stepfather to two boys, member of a comedy troupe, technophile, writer and, yes, honest, still an actor.

On the Web log, or blog, he chronicles his daily life, his small victories, his disappointments, his liberal views on politics and the health of his pets. He has also written a memoir, 'Just a Geek' (O'Reilly Media, 2004), based in part on those writings."
Wil wrote the forward to my book, Who Let the Blogs Out? and he also gave me a quote that I used at the beginning of chapter three:
Without my blog, I'd be just another forgotten former child actor, dug up every decade or so on a "Where are they now?" program. I'd be frustrated and broke. However, by writing in my blog, I found passion for storytelling, and maybe even a second career. I'm happy and able to support my family doing something that I love. —Wil Wheaton
Thanks Wil, and looking forward to watching you tonight on CSI.
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