Bloggers Not Cool Enough?

Update: It is the Nike iD Blog Contest. Still, "information superhighway?" I thought we were using words like "ecosystem" and "sphere" these days. Anyway, the Dunk Low Parque ID customized by FatLace appears to be in the lead.

Am I crazy or did Nike have a sneaker design contest aimed at bloggers yesterday and now it's called an Independent Design Contest with the phrase information superhighway thrown in for a little retro flavah? The URL still has the word blog in it and I originally spotted this in Kottke's remaindered links where it was titled Nike iD asks 20 bloggers to make sneaker designs. I drafted the post yesterday for posting later and now I'm all mixed up. Nevertheless, if you want to vote on sneakers, just do it. Which reminds me, I should have gone for a run today.
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