Create your own site search using google search

For those who wants to add search capability on their sites google offer AdSense for Search. It is free solution that allows publishers to place a search box on their site and earn revenue from relevant ads on the search results page.

To use AdSense for Search you must be AdSense publisher. If you are not already Adsense publisher you should complete online application. In this case you must wait some time before Google Adsense approve your request. Google will review your application and follow up with an email within 2-3 days.

There is Google free search also. The difference between AdSense for Search and Google free search is that Google AdSense for search also offers the ability to monetize user searches from your site.

To make your AdSense for search and you have your AdSense account:
  • First log in o your account at adsense

  • Click the AdSense Setup tab

  • Select AdSense for search

  • AdSense custom search

  • Choose your search type ("Only sites I select" or "The entire web")

    • You can use AdSense for search to create a vertical search, where you can allow your users to search across multiple sites - this could be a network of sites that you own or other related sites that you think your users might find useful. You can accomplish this with selection "Only sites I select".

  • Specify selected sites

    • Specify a site or list of sites to search across. These can be individual pages, parts of sites, or entire sites

  • Choose optional keywords and other options

    • Keywords are used to tune the search engine's results and ads to match your site's content.

  • Design your search box

  • Choose whether you would like your search results to open on Google or within your site.

  • Copy AdSense code and paste it on your site

For blogspot users:

You can paste code in HTML/JavaScript gadget. For details see How to add HTML or JavaScript gadget to blog (blogger).
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