How to get more backlinks for blog

Backlink is a link from somewhere else to your site. Backlink building is long and boring process but very important. Accidentally, I found interesting free backlink service which can help you to generate many backlinks day by day without lifting a finger.

Guide for blog use who want to join backlink program

To join backlink program blogger should done only three steps:

  • go to trafficmomentum web site

  • user should enter his blog info into the form on the right side of page

    Enter blog details to submit to trafficmomentum

  • user should copy widget code and paste it on appropriate position in his blog This is how list look on my blog after widget code is implemented:
    Momentum sample list

Widget code is HTML with 7 links. After blog user do all steps, every time some new visitor visit his blog and join trafficmomentum program through click on 7th link "Free Viral Blog Traffic" our blog user will get one more backlink.

How generating backlinks system works

To better explain how backlinks are created we will use sample.

  • John have a blog

  • John visit blog interestingwebs. On blog interestingwebs is list with 7 links

    • blog 1 link

    • blog 2 link

    • blog 3 link

    • blog 4 link

    • blog 5 link

    • blog 6 link

    • advert article link

    • trafficmomentum link

  • John click on trafficmomentum, enter his blog data and copy & paste widget code to his blog

  • now on John's blog is this list

    • interesting blog link

    • blog 1 link

    • blog 2 link

    • blog 3 link

    • blog 4 link

    • blog 5 link

    • advert article link

    • trafficmomentum link

  • interesting blog link is now first because John enter to backlink system from interesting blog trafficmomentum link

  • David visit John blog, click on trafficmomentum, enter his blog data and copy & paste widget code to his blog

  • now on David's blog is this list

    • link to John's blog link

    • interesting blog link

    • blog 1 link

    • blog 2 link

    • blog 3 link

    • blog 4 link

    • advert article link

    • trafficmomentum link

  • if Peter visit David's blog and enter to backlink system link to John's blog will be at third position...

  • let's say only 2 visitors submit to free backlink system on every level, John will have 126 backlinks (2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64), and this is the reason why I like this system, it is simple and effective

    number of links for two new users per level

One more thing, link to your blog for users who submit to backlink system from your blog will be added after trafficmomentum webmaster approve your submit. trafficmomentum webmaster will send you a mail. In my case it was on the same day.

In the end here is my Free Viral Blog Traffic table:

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