Blog decisions in new year

In the end of 2009 I stopped publishing new posts because I get tired. After take about one month vacation it is time for new posts. For new year I set two goals. First goal is to regularly publish one new post every week on tuesday. Second goal is to publish guest posts on blogs more famous then my blog and to track how this action impact on my web traffic.

Publish post once a week

This is a goal that I believe it is possible for me to achieve. My intention is to publish once a week every tuesday and keep that rhythm. If I miss to publish new article on one tuesday, then I will continue to prepare new articles and continue on next week. My thesis is that it is better to publish four articles in four weeks than four articles in firs week and than three weeks nothing for visitors and search engines. I believe it is good to keep same rhythm all the time, visitors will be used to check for new articles every tuesday.

When we are talking about blog publishing frequency there are some advices like to not publish on weekend and Public Holiday because of less visits on those days. One advice also say to not post anything for a while after very important post so your important post remains at the top of your blog.

Search engine likes blogs who publishes often and frequently. If your posts are published more frequently means more frequency of your content in Search Engines. You must be careful to not set for goal to publish too many posts per week (or day), you can burnout. My advice is to set reasonable goal and to keep regularity and rhythm. For example some magazines are published every week and you know that you can buy a new issue of magazine on specific day in week.

Publish guest posts

Publishing guest posts on blogs with high rate of visits can help your blog to become more known. First problem is to find someone who have web traffic and who is ready to publish your article with link to your blog. Currently I do not have experience with guest posting and its influence on guest poster blog web traffic but I think it have potential.

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