Subversion statistics for CCID driver (libccid) at September 2010

I used the tool statsvn to generate nice graphics about the subversion activity of the CCID driver (libccid) project.

The full report is available here. We will just reuse some graphics and discuss them.


The project is now 7 years old. I am the only developer on the project. It is a one man project. This can be problematic because the bus factor is quite low.

Source code

The total number of line of "code" is still growing at a constant rate.

With a closer look it appears that not every thing is source code. A large part of the content comes from the readers/ directory.

The readers/ contains the CCID description (the reader capabilities) of CCID readers. The data is also available in the big matrix.

The readers/ directory is the biggest part of the repository.

In the src/ directory the file sizes are visible using the repomap tool. You will get display like this:


It always nice to stand back and look at a big picture on a project you are involved.

You can also have different graphics from the libccid project at site.

For example estimates the cost of the project at 2 man.year for a total of 89,000 US$. The 2 man.year estimation is very reasonable. Over the 7 years of the project that is an average of one or two days per week.

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