New PyKCS11 1.2.3 available

I just released a new version of PyKCS11, a Python wrapper above the PKCS#11 API.


1.2.3 - December 2010, Ludovic Rousseau

  • Add new classes CK_SLOT_INFO, CK_INFO, CK_SESSION_INFO, CK_MECHANISM_INFO and CK_TOKEN_INFO instead of the low level ones to have a __repr__() method. It is now possible to just print an object of these classes and have a human readable version.
  • Add a new class CK_OBJECT_HANDLE() to replace the low level one and have a __repr__() method for objects returned by findObjects()
  • Move initToken() from class Session to class PyKCS11Lib and add a slot parameter.
  • Add generateKeyPair() and destoryObject() support in high level interface

What next?

This new release should restart the publication of articles on this wrapper. I have not published anything since June.

This new version 1.2.3 is more easy and fun to use in an interactive Python interpreter. You can just display objects using print. More to come...

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