Increase blog adsense revenue real case scenario

Here you will find my attempts to increase CTR (click through rate) of AdSense ad units on my blogger blog. So we can say this article is CTR AdSense case study on this blog. CTR is the ratio of the number of times the add appear in your website and the number of times peoples clicks it, for example if your AdSense ad unit was delivered 1000 times and 1 person clicked on it (clicks recorded), then the resulting CTR would be 0.1%. The higher CTR the better result, so I use CTR as a measure of successfully rate.
I tried different AdSense ad unit combination and position and decided to share my exprience. Now my CTR is almost 3 time greater then before I tried to optimize AdSense CTR.

My first AdSense combination

AdSense units - in first AdSense combination one Banner (468 x 60) (text & image/rich media ads) AdSense ad unit was placed on top of blog, below blog title and menu and above post title. Second AdSense unit was Leaderboard (728 x 90) (text & image/rich media ads) in the footer of the blog.

My first AdSense combination

Duration of this AdSense combination: 12 months
Click through ratio - CTR: 0.10%

Second AdSense combination

In this combination Leaderboard (728 x 90) (text & image/rich media ads) was replaced with Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) (text & image/rich media ads) ad unit. Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) is one of recommended AdSense ad formats. Another Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) (text & image/rich media ads) ad unit was added after blogger post (below comments). Leaderboard (728 x 90) (text & image/rich media ads) is in the footer of the blog as in my first AdSense combination.

My second AdSense blogger combination

Duration of this AdSense combination: 8 months
Click through ratio - CTR: 0.28%
RPM : €0.73

Above the fold AdSene units vs. AdSense units in footer
When we compare Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) AdSense ad unit on top of blog (under blog title and above blog post) and another AdSense Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) unit below post with Leaderboard (728 x 90) in the footer we get this result:
  • Medium Rectangle AdSense units get 92,31% of all clicks

  • Leaderboard (728 x 90) in the footer get 7,69% of all clicks
Custom channelPage CTR  Page RPM (EUR)
Medium Rectangle - top  0.26%0.68
LeaderBoard - bottom0.02%0.05

Third AdSense combination

In this AdSense combination Leaderboard (728 x 90) (text & image/rich media ads) is placed on the top below blog title. Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) unit stays like in second AdSense comibnation.

Duration of this AdSense combination: 3 months
Click through ratio - CTR: 0.26%
RPM : €0.68

Custom channelPage CTR  Page RPM (EUR)
Medium Rectangle - top  0.17%0.42
LeaderBoard - top0.09%0.26
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