Extended APDU support reported by PC/SC (part 2)

In a previous article "Extended APDU support reported by PC/SC" I described a proposal for the PC/SC workgroup to report to the application if a couple reader/driver do support extended APDU or not.


The proposal was accepted at the November 2011 meeting.

This feature is implemented in the CCID reader revision 6258 and will be available in the next CCID driver release.


One of the planed user of this feature is OpenSC. I, sometimes, get bug reports because the OpenSC card driver is sending an extended APDU to a reader that do not support it.

The idea is to use PCSCv2_PART10_PROPERTY_dwMaxAPDUDataSize in OpenSC and display a clear message to the user.


PCSCv2_PART10_PROPERTY_dwMaxAPDUDataSize is now available for you. Use it if/when you need this feature.
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