Tokend installer for Mac OS X Mountain Lion

2 months after the release of Mountain Lion, Apple (Shawn Gedddis) just released a new (beta) tokend package installer for Mountain Lion (10.8).


« This installs the Tokend modules which no longer ship from Apple as part of Mac OS X beginning with OS X Lion (v10.7). Note that this installer will ONLY install onto OS X Mountain Lion v10.8. The Tokend modules installed are: BELPIC, CAC, CACNG, JPKI and PIV.

New to this release:
JPKI.Tokend - Build 38522 added to the update to support LASCOM in Japan.
cacloginconfig.plist - Default configuration file as optional install for those using Attribute Matching or PKINIT configurations.
SystemCACertificates.keychain - Automatically added to the Keychain Search List if not already present. »

Related post "Mac OS X Mountain Lion and smart card status".
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