Blogger tips for beginners

Here you will find a few links to blogger tips for beginners. Those are tips that every blogger should know.

Tips are primarily for blogspot blog. Learn few basic techniques which will help you to blog better.

Learn how to make and arrange categories in blogger, how to have recent posts in your side bar, expandable summaries, display HTML code in blogger post...

Arrange your posts by categories in blogger

Add categories to the blogger and give your visitors opportunity to view your posts sorted by categories. Accomplish this in a few simple steps.

Posts sorted by categories in blogger

List recent posts in blogspot

You can easily display links to last (recent) five posts on your blog. Or maybee last ten posts.
Don't know how? Read this post, it is easy!

Learn how to display recent posts on your blogspot blog

Expandable post summaries on main blog page

If you want to have post summaries on main blog page which will expand on click on "read more". Read this article to learn how to accomplish it.

Display HTML code in blogger post

Want to write blogger post about HTML code, but HTML code is not properly displayed in your blog post.

For example this text will not be displayed correctly:

<h3>I want <h3> tags not heading format</h3>

Follow the link and you will find guide how to display HTML code in your blog posts!

Make google search for your blog

Add search capability on your blog with AdSense for Search. Allow your visitors to search content of your site in a Google like manner and try to earn some money.

Add Google search box in your blog which search your blog only

How to add java script in your blogger post

You need to add some cool javascript functionality inside blogspot post but do not know how? Here is a short tutorial how to do this.

Increase visits with title change

Short guide to change title structure in blogger which have significant impact of SEO performance.

The default title structure is : [Blog title]: [Post title]

The structure : [Post title]: [Blog title] could improve your traffic performance.

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