Moving image on my web site

On this page you will find how to implement next three moving effects on your web:

You can implement same functionality like you see in the demos very easy. You just need to put this code inside your HTML:

<div id="animatedImage" style="position: relative;">
<img src="[PathToImageFile]" alt="animatedImage" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="[PathToJsFile]"></script>

You need to replace :

  • [PathToImageFile] - with URL path to image
  • [PathToJsFile] - with URL path to javascript file

To get [PathToImageFile] and [PathToJsFile] you should:
Click on button bellow and get download for a tweet:


You can choose and fill the survey and instantly unlock download to zip archive with guide for falling effect with custom shapes. You can go to the survey by clicking here.

ShareCash web site pay for every filled survey average 60 cents to person who upload files on ShareCash. Simply upload files and get people to download them, and earn an average of 60 cents per download. For those who want to try to earn money on ShareCash there is a link: Earn money on donwloads.

What you will find in

It is important to say that to get effect like in the demos it is enough to implement code from top of this article with [PathToImageFile] and [PathToJsFile] replaced

When you get by one way or another in zip you will find:

  • links you should use to replace [PathToImageFile] and [PathToJsFile]
  • GuideMovingImage.pdf with links to images moving santa, polar bear, hunter escaping from bear and javascript for moving left to right and javascript for moving from top left corner of the screen to bottom right corner of screen
  • 3 image files of moving santa, polar bear and hunter escaping from bear
  • HTML file example of moving effect

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