RSS Technology To Channelize Web Traffic

Guest post by: Nitin

Good web traffic to your website means good business. But unfortunately, diverting huge traffic to your website is not at all that easy. You may attract your customers with your services today, but in order to keep them coming back again and again, you need to constantly remind them about your online presence and excellence in your services. This is just where the RSS technology comes into the limelight.

Originally coined as “Real Simple Syndication”, RSS is also known as “Rich Site Summary” based on its function. The RSS Technology keeps the consumers informed and interested in your website by updating them with the new releases, recent posts and product details. This helps you strengthen your business bond with your consumers. RSS feeds are extremely important to keep a track about your web content, its online value and its importance for a surfer. As a result, it becomes essential for all online marketers to learn about RSS feeds and its use to divert web traffic to your websites.

Several popular daily magazines, news websites and also other companies use RSS Feeds to mail you newsletters about their new product launches and services. This seems quite an easy way to not just promote your website, but also impress the search engine bots. The main aim of search engines is to provide the latest news to their surfers. Hence, if you keep your website updated and also keep your customers revised about them, the search engines will ensure your site has a higher priority in the online web market.

For instance, if you are a fashionista always looking for the recent updates in the fashion world, you can simply subscribe yourself to the best fashion magazine and thereafter easily read all the fashion newsletters mailed by the magazine. This will help your stay updated about the new changes in the fashion world, while also boosting the online traffic to that magazine.

RSS Feeds offer several advantages. It helps create backlinks to your website consequently attracting the attention of the search engines and browsers, which in return ensure higher SERPs. FeedBurner and Google AdSense are two major companies that have invested greatly in this RSS technology. The RSS Aggregator is a form of software or a website that collects specific data from various sites. In simpler words, it allows various online sites to send their new updated content to their users using the RSS feed technology for free. The higher version of RSS aggregator is designed to automatically generate RSS feeds and mail it to an RSS aggregator after you have posted your update on the website.

Another advantage of RSS Feeds is that it assures you quick indexing of your recent website updates. This further helps boost your website ratings and hence increase your business returns. As a result, it is very important to cautiously select the RSS Feeds technology and services for your website.  So, make the right choice and see your online property rise above all its business barriers.

Nitin is a tech junkie and a blogging enthusiast. He spends most of his time planning the growth of his company-Offshore Ally. His company is one of the best providers of virtual assistant and link builders online. Connect with him via Twitter.

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