The Benefits of Keyword-Rich URLs for SEO

Guest post by Darenet

Something related to SEO practices is being studied and reported on every day. The term “Best SEO Practices” is thrown around with reckless abandon, and everyone thinks they know what the correct answer is. The latest tactic being considered is the benefit of having a keyword-rich URL.

Google has recently announced that they may focus on and penalize companies which do this, but that’s a debate for another occasion. It is a delicate balance between trying to create a keyword-rich URL and picking a domain name that best represents your particular brand or includes the name of your company, and there are arguments for each.

Why would you want to include your brand directly in your URL?

•The first reason is obvious; it’s as easy as heck to remember.
•Your brand would be staring customers right in the face at all times.
•It will reflect better on your professionalism than if you had

What are the reasons for wanting keywords in your URL?

•It gives potential customers their first glimpse into exactly what you offer.
•This is rather simple; if you have that URL, your competitors don’t have it. If your goal is to utilize your brand for your domain name, just purchase that keyword-rich URL, and then send it to your own domain name.
•The most obvious reason is that it will help you rank higher with the search engines.

What are some tips to help me select a great domain name?

•Your domain should have a minimum of one keyword: A website with a keyword in the URL gets an extra point from Google. This is a perfectly ethical tactic, and can greatly affect your organic SEO results. If your desired URL isn’t available, try adding a word before or after the keyword.
Try to avoid hyphens whenever possible: A URL containing a hyphen is easy for the search engines to figure out, but what about regular surfers? Try to avoid the possibility that they forget the hyphen or add it in the wrong location. The same often goes for the underscore character.

For example, a website built to help people find the best background check services in a given area would be pretty hard to remember by most people if it had all these words in its URL, plus hyphens, plus area name, wouldn’t it? So, keep it simple.

Choose common words: Certain words in our language are more prone to being misspelled than others, try to avoid those. Some people try to be creative and use odd or slang words. All that will accomplish is making your site invisible.
Promote a single domain: If you have multiple domains registered, try to promote just one and redirect the others. Search engines are even known to fine companies that engage in marketing their brand with multiple domains.

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Hope this has enlightented you.

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