Free Ways to Promote Your Blog or Website

When you are promoting your business on a limited budget, the fact that the most effective strategies you can utilize involving social networking are totally free is very good news indeed.

You can begin with article marketing. Writing articles can be a great way to get your products and services out there in front of the Internet-using community. If you are not already aware of the most popular article directories, a quick Google search will uncover them.

There's a right and a wrong way to submit to such directories, however. Some people think that it is important to submit to hundreds of directories, which can be a very time-consuming and grueling task, but the top 10 directories will probably produce 90% of your results.

Blogging can also be a great way to expose people to your products and services. Business blogs are well-respected and you can create more than one if you wish to promote different products or services.

A personal blog can also be a great asset. This can allow you to brand not only your products and services but yourself as well, as you are also a marketable commodity. Of course, you always want your blog to contain interesting information so as to stand out from the crowd.

Social networking websites can also be another great way to meet your online marketing demands. Twitter and Facebook are excellent social networking vehicles and offer many advantages to those who want to market their products and services.

A few cautions are in order, however, before utilizing any form of social networking. For one thing, you should not add too many friends too quickly as this could be flagged as spammy or suspicious behavior and cause your profile or a count to be disabled or even banned by the social networking websites. As with all things, you should educate yourself, especially regarding the rules and regulations of the social networking services you utilize.

You can also utilize video for promoting what you have to offer. YouTube, for example, receives millions of visitors daily, and there are other video sharing sites to which you can post your unique content.

A video can simply consist of you talking to the viewer, as if with a friend, and sharing valuable tips and information that also happened to relate to your business. Macs sport a built in iSight video camera and also come with iMovie, which is a great way to edit your videos for maximum effectiveness. iMovie will even let you upload directly to YouTube!

In addition, there are network-focused forums that you can join that can give you access to communities that are geared toward your particular niche. Some forums will allow you to include the URL for your blog or lead capture page in your signature line to attract more visitors. In addition, you can learn a lot from forums that are related to your field of interest.

The most important thing is to select strategies that work for both you and your business. For example, some people enjoy writing while others prefer talking, so video marketing would suit them more than the writing of articles.

All of the above ideas are free and will cost nothing but time. You can effectively meet your network marketing demands if you are persistent, focused, and engage in your marketing activities on a regular basis.

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