How to Turn SEO Into a Job

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A lot of us would love the opportunity to stay home and work from home. To be able to pay our bills, yet wake up when we’d like, as well as work certain days of the week, that’s a dream to many. One opportunity that can make that happen is through Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO.

If you’re looking to start your own business in the field of SEO, here are a few ways you can start that today.

Create a site or multiple sites: In order to get you started, you need a website plan. What would you like your site to be about? It’s a good idea to stick with something that is unique, has low competition, as well as one that is highly searched. For example, weight loss will be a challenge because of all the weight loss sites, but maybe something like food processors would work better because of the low competition.

Now think to yourself, how are you going to make money? Are you going to provide an online service, promote products through affiliates, or maybe even just rely on things like Google Ads. It’s up to you, as long as you have a plan and some type of outline.

Create helpful content: Websites need content. You will find that the more content you have on your site, the more visitors you’re going to have. That translates into the more visitors you have the more money you will make over time.

Consider ads: Ads are usually people’s highest payer. The more ads visitors click on, the more money you will make as a website holder. These can be costly, but if they have a good return it’s worth it.

Get links: It’s important that you get good links back to your site. The more links you have pointing to your site, the more authoritative it is, as well as the higher it’ll rank in the search engines. You can get links by providing good content on your site, as well as doing things like guest posting.

Spread the word: Spread the word of your site. Tell your friends about it, have them tell their friends and the word can spread quickly if you have a good site. Also, try social bookmarking. Create a Facebook fan page or even a Twitter account.

As you can see, there are a few things you can do to help create a job in SEO. The most important thing is that you wait for your sites to age. You need a lot of patience, age for site, and a lot of links to help boost you in the search engines. Work hard, wait a few years, and hopefully you’ll see the money come your way.

This article was written by the writer of, a website that offers 1,000+ Online Job Applications, as well as the job descriptions and salaries for each one.

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