5 SEO Tips for Blogs

Everyone wants to be recognized for the hard work they put into writing for their blog each day. However, is you blog getting the recognition it deserves? Are you easily found on Google? Here are 5 quick tips that can greatly improve your SEO, and readership, without much effort.

  1. 1. Blog Titles: Make sure that the (title) portion of your blog page has the title of the article contained therein. Meaning, your main blog page will naturally have a generic title, but does your comment page? Make sure your comment page ALWAYS includes the title of the particular article. You already have the code for the title in your blog section template, just copy and paste between your title tags. This could be the difference between being on page 1 or page 40 in Google.

  2. 2. Email Field: Every blog should have an Icon to subscribe to RSS feeds. Although, most people won’t subscribe until they know you, you should allow them an easy way to simply add their email address and press subscribe. Super simple and sends your new posts straight to their inbox. There are lots of websites to help you will this. I use Feedburner.com because it is free, and will also ping your blog automatically to other media sites.

  3. 3. Plug It: After you press submit, you should spend the next 10 minutes plugging your new post. There are several free sites out there to help you achieve instant search engine results. Technorati, Digg, Twitter, Buzzit.com are just a few of the networks that will get you onto Google almost instantly. Plus with all the link traffic and building your SEO, this is one of the biggest, and easiest ways to get your blog to the top.

  4. 4. Tell a Story and Respond to Comments: Engage your readers. They will want to “check in” with you everyday and see how things are going. Make them hang on to every word you write as you interestingly tell them about how you were just on a flight with Patrick Dempsey. (Which you might have been!) And when they comment, respond! Blogging is about making friends and relationships. Instant readership when you become a relatable friend.

  5. 5. Analytics: Pay attention to your blog stats. Which posts were popular? Which posts didn’t work as well? When you focus on what your readers want to hear, incorporate those search terms into your posts and link them to past articles you have written.

These are simple tips, so there is no reason not to implement these tools and watch your blog increase SEO and readership. What is your favorite SEO tip for your blog? Leave it in the comments!

Caitlin is currently a writer for Amazing News, which is a website updated daily with heartwarming and cheerful news stories. Caitlin graduated from the University of Kansas with a journalism degree specializing in advertising and marketing.

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