How Strong Copy Will Help Your Websites

Strong copy is an essential part any website. Even the most exquisitely designed websites fall flat if they are not supported by strong and effective copy, which is one of the first things to make an impact on visitors. Words that are eye-catching and hit the right spot, content that appeals and engages them, are what make a difference. If keywords are included, even Google obliges by picking up the site.

Website layouts will appear different depending on the device used. Thus the same layout will look different on an iPod, laptop, notebook, smart phone and desktop, and the display of words and phrase can also change. But if you have crafted the copy correctly the words will never loose their meaning the power they can have over the visitors to your site.

Tips for Strong Copy

  • A single topic per page- Sticking to a single topic on a page is far better than a page crammed with information that leaves the visitor confused. If one page is devoted to one service, topic or issue, the visitor is able to follow better and if it is keyword rich it will get picked by Google as well. 
  • Copy that includes calls to action- After all has been said, it is time to reap the benefits of providing all the information to the visitor. This can be encased in the form of calls to action, where you tell them what they should do next, giving that visitor a clear idea of how they can move to the next step, which could be signing for the newsletter, or ordering a product from the website. No matter what action you want your visitor to take, each page on your site should clearly highlight a specific it; If you don’t tell them what you want them to do they may not figure it out themselves. 
  • Client focus rather than the business- A critical mistake made by many websites is the endless banter about the company they represent, which generally ticks off people. The website must instead talk about how it can address customer wants and requirements, resolve their problems and help them. The advantages of doing this are twofold, firstly it gives you  an ideal opportunity to engage with your customers and it also portrays you as an expert in your industry which will help to reassure any protective clients and may even help to push them over the line.
  • Links to relevant pages always help visitors move directly to the relevant page on the website. This helps them save time and score at Google, whose rankings of content with links is generally higher.
  • Catchy headlines, short and crisp paragraphs- headline must be very catchy to evoke reader interest, and long text must be broken in short and crisp paragraphs. Each idea can be elaborated in a few lines.

Strong copy is important for website success and so all efforts must be made to ensure that the copy for the website is informative, interesting and keyword focused, to help customers and score in search engines.


This is a Guest post by Neil Jones, who Specializes in launching ecommerce sites, he is currently plying his trade as head of marketing for eMobileScan. With 18 websites based all around Europe they are on course to be one of Europe’s largest online retailers of Industrial handheld computers and label printers like the ES400 or the Motorola MC9090. Neil has been an online marketer for the past 6 years and in that time he has owned and run a range of sites all built around the ecommerce platform.


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