cascading dropdowns

First step is to create a drop-down list Property Control to display unique values from the Region column.

Next step is to create a Calculated Column called ‘Filtered State’. In the expression we should check if the Region Column value equals the value specified in the property we created earlier. If it does, it will output the value from the State Column.

if ([Region] = "${whichRegion}",[State],null)

Next step is to create the second Property Control drop-down. This one will display unique values in the newly created Filtered State Column.
The final step is to create a second Calculated Column called ‘Filtered City’. In the expression we should check if the State Column value equals the value specified in the property we just created. If it does, it will output the value from the City Column.

if ([State] = "${whichState}",[City],null)

Reference: Tip of the Week
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