- Spotfire 6.0+
- TextArea
- Input Field Property Control
- Javascript script
- Add a TextArea and right click to edit the HTML
- Add an Input Field Property Control wrapped by a tag with id='dt1'
- Add a span html tag with id='dt1picker' next to your SpotfireControl for the calendar
- Add javascript
<span id='dt1'>
<SpotfireControl id="ed353..YourSInputPropControl" />
<span id='dt1picker'></span>
//update document property after selection
function datePicker_onSelect(selectedDate){//alert(selectedDate)
$("#dt1 input").focus()
$("#dt1 input").blur()
//jquery datepicker configuration
//you can comment the buttonImageOnly and buttonImage lines to show a button instead of a calendar or the image of your choice.
pickerOptions = {
showOn: 'button',
buttonImageOnly: true,
buttonImage: '',
minDate: "-36M", maxDate: "+0D",
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
altField:"#dt1 input",
//create the date picker
document.getElementById('dt1picker').innerHTML="<input type='hidden' id='datePicker'>"
Refer to the jquery datepicker documentation for configuration options
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