CCID descriptor statistics: dwMaxDataRate

Article from the serie "CCID descriptor statistics"

The dwMaxDataRate field is a number value from the USB CCID descriptor:
Maximum supported ICC I/O data rate in bps
Example: 115.2Kbps is encoded as the integer value 115200. (0001C200h)

412903 bps3814.96 %
9600 bps3312.99 %
344086 bps3011.81 %
344105 bps176.69 %
250000 bps135.12 %
115200 bps114.33 %
500000 bps114.33 %
318280 bps103.94 %
230400 bps83.15 %
344100 bps83.15 %
12643980 bps72.76 %
129032 bps72.76 %
307200 bps72.76 %
10752 bps51.97 %
397024 bps51.97 %
200080 bps31.18 %
312500 bps31.18 %
344068 bps31.18 %
46875 bps31.18 %
847000 bps31.18 %
241936 bps20.79 %
2688 bps20.79 %
333333 bps20.79 %
344064 bps20.79 %
600000 bps20.79 %
825807 bps20.79 %
116129 bps10.39 %
119096 bps10.39 %
125000 bps10.39 %
21504 bps10.39 %
223200 bps10.39 %
23437 bps10.39 %
317591 bps10.39 %
32258 bps10.39 %
412896 bps10.39 %
421052 bps10.39 %
430107 bps10.39 %
589250 bps10.39 %
825806 bps10.39 %
847500 bps10.39 %
848000 bps10.39 %
96774 bps10.39 %
9910 bps10.39 %

We find again the "magic" value of 9600 bps (used by 13% of readers) as with dwDataRate, dwDefaultClock and dwMaximumClock.

The highest value 12643980 is used by 7 readers (3%) and is not a bogus value. This speed of 12.6 Mbps is used by contactless readers, all manufactured by SpringCard. I guess not so may smart cards can communicate with a speed as high as 12.6 Mbps.
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