# This script executes an external program.
# In this case, this is the equivalent to either:
# * [window key]+[r] and entering "http://google.com"
# * entering the url on an 'explorer' window
#Script Parameters
program = 'explorer'
url = 'http://google.com'
#A. We need the Process class to execute external programs
from System.Diagnostics import Process
#B. Create new process instance
p = Process()
#B.1 Configure your process
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
p.StartInfo.FileName = program
p.StartInfo.Arguments = url
#C. Start the process and wait
# In this case, this is the equivalent to either:
# * [window key]+[r] and entering "http://google.com"
# * entering the url on an 'explorer' window
#Script Parameters
program = 'explorer'
url = 'http://google.com'
#A. We need the Process class to execute external programs
from System.Diagnostics import Process
#B. Create new process instance
p = Process()
#B.1 Configure your process
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
p.StartInfo.FileName = program
p.StartInfo.Arguments = url
#C. Start the process and wait
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